Neal Sheeran

Rants, Raves, and Geekery

It's Official...I'm Back!


Well, that took a while. So where the hell have I been the last year? Lemme see… six months in Las Vegas which was mostly work. Actually it was a lot of work. After the New Year, the lovely wife and I moved to Tucson in warm and sunny Arizona. Alaska it is not. Six weeks later I was off on a luxurious trip to a couple of countries in the Middle East and Southwest Asia. You have probably heard of them.

Upon returning to the Big U.S of A and after a little procrastinating, I finally decided to buckle down and renovate my humble little shack here on the Internet. I upgraded to Movable Type 3.11 and rebuilt the entire site from scratch. I must say, the upgrade to the new version of MT has been worth the time and money. For the past six-months, the near-daily ritual of deleting comment spam had become more fun than I could handle, especially considering the mouth-breathing spammers were posting more to this site than I was. Since the upgrade, I have received the sum total of one spam comment. This is certainly due to the fact that I deleted all my old posts, but the new version of Jay Allen’s MT-Blacklist is a huge improvement.

As for the site re-design, that was a long process of ‘type-save-refresh’ in a text editor and numerous browsers. Everything seems to be working fine, but please let me know if something looks screwed up from your neck of the woods. There are still a few things to work on:

  1. On the archive page for each individual article, the link offering to sign in to Type Key doesn’t appear. Right now, it doesn’t really matter because I’ve set up the site so anyone can post a comment. We’ll see how long that lasts.

  2. Work on the banner image at the top of every page. It doesn’t get much blander than it is right now.

  3. Re-import all of my old entries.

  4. Customize the RSS feeds.

Let me know what you think. It’s good to be back and I have a lot of catching up to do.

P.S. Gotta give props to Kevin McGehee for already giving me my link back and stopping by when this place was as dead as a door nail.
