Neal Sheeran

Rants, Raves, and Geekery

Cleaning House


Is it too late for a “start the new year” post? One of my “resolutions” for 2013 is to be more productive; less surfing/fiddling, more doing. With that in mind, I recently spent a fews days doing the following:

  • Emptied Inbox. Zero’ed it out.
  • Reviewed, reorganized and scrubbed OmniFocus: every project, context and task
  • Cleaned out RSS Starred list, with a bunch going to Pinboard
  • Cleaned out Twitter Favorites
  • Cleaned out Instapaper. Now it only has things that are to be read…later.
  • Re-organized nvAlt notes; delete, combine, tag and title
  • Deleted a bunch of unused apps on the MacBook Pro, iPhone, and iPad
  • Desktop Inbox folder (apps to tryout, random downloads) nearly emptied
  • Desktop folder for inbound scans emptied. Paperless FTW.
  • Cleaned out Safari bookmarks. Some of those hadn’t been clicked in a loooong time
  • Started changing passwords. Along those lines - removed access to Dropbox for apps I no longer use. Ditto for Twitter.

It has been liberating. Now time to get to work, and hopefully not fill all those buckets back up with unnecessary crap.
